Wayfarer Solutions has been asked to participate in a master class for the Chattanooga Filmmakers Guild this Sunday, February 23rd. Wayfarer Solutions will be the guest panelists as part of the free event for the Film Scoring Panel + Q&A. Three of Wayfarer Solutions‘ top film professionals will be part of this special panel to help further the skills of the attending filmmakers from around the Southeastern United States. Wayfarer Solutions was asked to be a part of this event due to their recent and past work with Emmy Award-winning director Dagan W. Beckett who is based in the Chattanooga area. Most recently, Wayfarer Solutions worked with Beckett in acquiring the talents of Wayfarer Christopher Caouette to compose the music for Beckett’s upcoming film project Legacy America: A Portrait of the American Railway.
Wayfarer Solutions is excited to help share their expertise in helping further the careers of these aspiring creatives in the art of filmmaking for this wonderful event. For more information on the Chattanooga Filmmakers Guild check them out HERE and be sure to check out more about Dagan W. Beckett and Beckett Arts Project HERE.
For more about Wayfarer Solutions and what is is check out our page here at WayfarerMusicGroup.com
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